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The Best Muscle Building Programs

Making exercise a habit is one of the most difficult obstacles every new trainee faces. I believe the main reason for this is that most weight training programs typically only recommended training for 3-5 days per week. It can be pretty hard to build a habit if you're taking every other day off.

For this reason I like to incorporate some type of daily strength training with many new trainees. This could be something as simple as a few push-ups or pull-ups everyday, or it could get as advanced as the Extreme Strength Boost training program. Either way, the purpose is to build the habit of strength training while bringing you closer to your goal. For example, if you are trying to build upper body mass, why not knockout 10 pull-ups and 20 push-ups every morning? For most people this wont be very difficult, wont interfere with your normal weight training program, and wont cause overtraining. But the repetitive nature of the task will help you gain mass over the long haul.

Or, if you are struggling with fat loss, try this quick circuit every morning:

Jumping Jacks for 30 seconds Squats for 30 seconds Push-ups for 30 seconds Run in place for 30 seconds Repeat as necessary This will burn a ton of additional calories everyday and will help get that metabolic furnace pumping as soon as you get up. With these daily workouts don't focus on pushing yourself too hard or going to failure. These workouts are simply designed to help you get some more work in without negatively affecting your usual weight training program. There are a ton of ways that daily workouts can be incorporated into weight lifting programs to meet your individualized goals. I have only mentioned a few of the options here.

Drop me a line at my site if you've got some innovative ways that you use quick and simple daily workouts to put you on the path to success.

Visit Athletic Muscle Building for a free ebook on muscle gain and the best muscle building programs.

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