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Stress And Abdominal Fat In Women

It is a known fact that women under stress will retain more abdominal fat and a higher cortisone level. Why is this? Cortisol is the problem here. This hormone will cause excess fat to be stored in the abdominal area of women, therefore making it hard to lose that troublesome weight. When women are under stress, the cortisol level will rise and cause fat to be placed centrally in women.

The more cortisol that is secreted, the more fat around the abdomen will emerge. Stressors are the main reason why women do gain weight especially around their middle.

When looking at stressors and abdominal fat in women, you need to take into consideration that the stressors can be removed or at least reduced in order to reduce the excess cortisol that is being secreted into the bloodstream. By reducing the stressors, the cortisone levels will level out and by exercise and a healthy diet, the fat will come off. The main thing of importance here is to reduce the stresses in order to stop cortisol secretion.

By over reacting to the stressors and making up for it perhaps with food, women are more likely to develop fat on the abdominal area. It is therefore imperative that women learn to manage their stress levels and have other ways of reacting to those stressors that are more healthy in order to keep from having fat deposited around the abdominal area. Exercise or lack thereof, smoking and drinking as well as diet also play key roles in developing fat in the abdomen. This can lead to a loss of self esteem that can be damaging to a woman who is undergoing this type of process.

Also age can be taken into consideration when talking about stress and body fat. As we age, we do tend to put on weight around the middle. However, any type of excess stress will fire up the cortisol and just produce more fat around the belly. A healthy diet, or even taking some diet pills that won’t damage your health and of course a regular exercise program will be to your advantage to take part in. No woman is immune from cortisol, but we can certainly minimize the effects of it by taking good care of ourselves by eating the right food, exercise and by lowering our stressors at any given time. We run the risk of major trouble by carrying the excess weight around our middles. Diabetes, stroke and heart attack can be the implications of having too much weight around the middle.

This is why diet and exercise are so important for us as well as removing any type of stressor, or at least diminishing it. Excess weight around the middle can lead to major trouble for us women.

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