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How To Find Time To Exercise With These 2 Surefire Tips

By: Tod Syversen

When children, work and other commitments are screaming for your attention it is very difficult to schedule in exercise time . But there is some great news for busy people - even ten minutes of exercise can have lasting benefits. Now you can use the time you free up with these tips to get in some exercise.

Hands down the biggest obstacle to exercise is the excuse. When exercise is not fun, any excuse will do to skip it. You just won't make the time for something that completely bores you. You can't let this hold you back any longer.

There's no one size fits all exercise that will work for everyone. Some people love hiking, some want some more adrenaline from what they do. Figure out what you like to do. Once you know what exercise would be fun for you, you will make finding the time to do it easier.

Step 2 is to look at what you can cut out from your routine that is a time-filling activity. What can you eliminate from your routine that is a time filler? Do you spend a lot of time checking your email or watching television? Skip them or reduce the time spent on them. Then you can use that free time to go on a run or do yoga.

If you are an early riser, figure out what can be done the night before. Can breakfast be prepared and ready to go. If not, can you find things that are quick to prepare instead?

This can be applied to everything you do each day. Particularly focus on the time you've picked to fit in as exercise time. Make a list of your activities and then take a good look at if each item is really necessary or does it just fill time. It will be shocking when you see how many time-filling activities you do.

With the time you free up there are many workout videos on the market these days. Find one you like that is 30 minutes or less, pop it in the player and get going. You can reap the benefits in only 10 minutes of challenging exercise each day.

If you go for a less strenuous routine then plan on 30 minutes. Keep in mind that those 30 minutes do not have to happen all at once. 3 session of 10 minutes will be just as good. I can guarantee you will find an extra thirty minutes once you start taking a serious look at your daily routine.

It is too vital to your health to skip exercising. Your body needs regular exercise to function at it's best. Now take some time and go get moving.

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